Friday, 20 November 2020

Book Character Day

Today it is book character day. For book character day we dress up as any character from a book. We had to make a google drawing explaining why we picked out character and who it is. Here is my google drawing and the class photos.

Friday, 21 August 2020

Why does it rain so much on the West Coast?

 Last week for our science we did a project on why it rains so much on the West Coast. We researched the internet on why it does rain so much here. We also watched some videos on what makes rain. We worked in pairs of 2 or 3 and then we explained why it rains so much here on the West Coast. I worked with Tane and Ryan. Here is our slide on why we think it rains so much on the West Coast.

How to Make Butter

                                    How to Make Butter

To make butter you will need to put straight cream into a jar. Following on by shaking the jar until your cream has turned into whipped cream. After you have shaken your jar enough then you keep shaking until your whipped cream has formed into butter. Then you can add some salt if you want to. Tip into a container and then you will have yourself some butter.

The Farm

 On the 5th of August some of room 5 and 6 went to a farm. The other people of both classes went to West A Maths. We went to the Coates farm. They lived on a deer farm and we learned about deers and deer farms. It was really fun and we got to see something called the crusher which is where they put the deer in to cut their antlers off. We also learned about velvet and we got to try some venison. Two people came and talked to us about deer farms on New Zealand and how we send it out to other countries around the world. Rusty, who was from Silver Fern Farms came and talked to us about transporting venison to the world and talking about the deer farms. Then someone called Mark came and talked to us about velvet and deer antlers. Here are some photos of us on the farm.


On the 13th of August, last week on Thursday. The ASB Netball team had a game against the staff. The ASB Netball team is our school team that we are doing for a tournament. The score for our game was 12-11. But we think that the younger kids were putting random points on the score so it wasn't the real score. Overall it was really fun. Here are some photos. 

Friday, 8 May 2020

Mum's Super Power

This week we are focusing on mothers day stuff. So far we have had to write a poem, write a paragraph on why we love our mums and why we thank them so much, then we also had 10 questions written down and had to answer them and see who knew their mum the best, and finally we had the super power writing. For this we had to choose a super power our mum/stepmum would have. Then we had to write down 1-2 paragraphs on why they would have this super power. Here is my writing.

I asked Lucy (my stepmum) what her super power would be if she got to choose. She said to me either flying or super strength. I chose flying. Here are my reasons why I think she could have flying.

I think that Lucy would like the super power flying because it’s so much fun. Considering at the moment Lucy has a very sore foot she wouldn’t have to walk around but just fly around. It would also be a much funner and faster way to get around town and the valley. Noticing that when things are flying like planes they usually go way faster than anything. So if you were to fly you would be going pretty fast. Another thing about flying is you could save money. Such as when you drive you are paying for gas. So imagine how much money it would save if you could fly.

For some mums its very hard having children. Especially when they have at least 3 or more. Obviously I don’t live with 2 other siblings I only live with one other sibling. Lucy sometimes gets frustrated with my little brother because he’s always getting into trouble and making a mess. He is seriously a savage child this one. Lucy probably sometimes just wishes that she could get away from this child for even 15 minutes. That’s why I chose flying. So if she ever got too frustrated then she could just fly away and have some time to herself.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Letter To Siblings

On Monday or Tuesday we had to write a letter about how thankful we were towards someone. It could've been siblings, parents, caregivers, grandparents, uncles and aunts, anyone that we were thankful for. I chose my siblings that live in Christchurch. I wrote how thankful I was towards them being the best siblings and always being there for me. We had to include, Dear (name) and the date then at the end we had to put either, Love (name) or Kind Regards (name). Here is my writing.

Date: 4.5.2020
Dear, Devanni, Dajar, Dartanyon and Dynasty
I am really missing you right now and I always have. Hopefully one day I can see you again. I’d really like to thank you for being the best siblings ever and being so nice to me whenever I would see you. Your such nice siblings and I wish that I could live with you guys sometimes you are amazing. Hope your staying in school and being good. I’m so happy that you guys are my siblings otherwise my life wouldn’t be the same without you guys in my life. I love you guys so much and so I’m so grateful to have the best siblings in history. Thank you so much for helping me create so many great memories with you that we can all laugh and cry over. I hope you are staying safe in quarantine. xoxo

Love your oldest sibling, Deakyn