Friday, 22 February 2019

About Me

During my free time I have made a google drawing about myself. Here is my poster.

Minecraft Underground Tunnel

In class we have been reading a book called The Recruit by Robert Muchamore. For one of the reading activities we built the London Underground Tunnel which was part of the book. I built this with my two friends, Ben and Liam. Here are a few pictures.
 Here is the entry of the Underground Tunnel

 Here is pathway through the tunnel
 Going back up
 Nearly out of the tunnel
 Here is the tunnels end

The Recruit Business Card

For reading in class we have been reading a book called The Recruit. In the book there is an eleven year old boy called Bruce Norris. We had to make a business card that he made in the book. On the business card it said "Bruce Norris kicked your A**". Here is a picture of the business card I made.

Tuesday, 19 February 2019

Thinklink About Me

For this weeks homework our create was to use Thinglink and make a poster to describe ourselves and what we would like to do in our lives and things we want to do in our lives. Our poster was based on a slideshow the class made individually called a Bio-Poem. Here is my poster.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Anzac Day Poster

In class we have been welcomed to Thinglink to make our Anzac posters. We had 5-7 facts on our poster. Once we had finished our poster we shared our posters to the juinors who didn't know much. Here is my poster.