Wednesday 15 April 2020

Different Feelings

For writing we have had to listen to a book called In My Heart by Jo Witek. The book was about all these different types of feelings and then after we listened to it we had to write about how we feel at the moment. Here is my piece of writing.

The situation that the whole word is having right now makes me feel sad and a little bit worried. I try to think of all the happy times that can make me happy and try not to think about all the bad things happening this very second. Like people suffering from cancer and diseases and other things like the virus that has spread across the world. Thinking of the happy times makes me happy like all the times I spent with my friends and family. Then when I look at other countries it makes me feel furious when people aren’t listening to the rules and staying in there house for a few weeks. Sometimes I just don’t feel safe around strangers people I don’t know and I’m afraid of what might come. A lot of the time I can be very quiet and still this is when I know that I’m shy. But there is one thing that makes me very excited, is when this all blows over and then we can go back to school and then I can go see everyone again like my friends and family then I know that everyone will feel safe thats the feeling I love the most is when I know that everyone is safe and that they are ok. Then sometimes when I know that I can do something I try my best even if I’m not good at it or I’m scared of what other people might think of me, but then I realise that I shouldn’t think about what other people think of me and that I can do it, this is when I know that I’m brave. Everyday I have one feeling that I have throughout most of the day when I don’t have anything to do and I just relax my whole body, this is when I know I’m calm. Some days just aren’t for me sometimes, maybe I have a bad day and I get called names and my feelings get hurt, this is when I feel broken inside. But then I think that I can get over it and think that I am better than this and that I can carry on, this is when I am hopeful. Then at times I just feel clumsy and relaxed and I feel like I can do anything that I want and thats when I know that I’m being silly and funny.  Then when I’m just calm and relaxed I think that my body and heart is just this thing filled with heaps of different feelings that I express everyday.


  1. Hi Deakyn
    I really enjoyed reading your writing. I think you have described the feelings in such creative ways and giving an example of what makes you feel this way made it very relateable. I hope you are doing ok during this time. Before you know it we will be back at school.:)

  2. Hi Deakyn
    What a detailed piece of writing, thanks for sharing it with us! I really like how you talk about focusing on the happy and positive things as that is a really great strategy at a time like this. I have a copy of this book and I read a lot to Lochlan. I think this book helps teach us that it is ok to feel different feelings at different times. I look forward to catching about how you are feeling once we get back to school.
    Mrs Ealam

  3. That was great to read Deakyn. You have explained how you feel in different situations really clearly. I also like how you have said what you do to make yourself feel better. Big deep belly breaths help me everyday to feel calm.


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