Friday, 31 August 2018

We Need Headphones

In class we have been writing about headphones and if we should keep them or not. Some people picked against and some people picked for. Here is my writing


Firstly we should keep the headphones otherwise if we don’t there will be no reason to have a playlist.
Jo would have wasted her time on putting all of that music on our playlist for nothing.

Secondly if we don’t have headphones then our class will be like a huge disco.
People will be yelling and wanting to get up and dance or sing to the song that a person is playing and then other people will start getting distracted.

We can also block off all of the sounds that distract us when we have headphones.
Because when you don’t have headphones some people might be talking or some people might be yelling or making some annoying noise with the tape by ripping off and pulling on it.

Finally people don’t only use them to listen to music, headphones are also used to listen to the video your watching or just to concentrate on your work.
You start to see people with youtube or something like that on one of their tabs and see them watching it and that video is most likely to have sound.

In my opinion I think that headphones have to stay in the class because we will get distracted. We should always have headphones even though people can get kind of distracted I think we should keep them so we can block off all noise.

1 comment:

  1. Great argument Deakyn, Jo will pleased you have thought of her. I agree that we use headphones to block out sounds, not just listen to music.


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