Monday 26 November 2018


On Wednesday we had a different teacher, Mrs Meikel. On Wednesday we learnt about knights. We paired up if we wanted to and made a slideshow about Knights. My buddy Ben and I made our slideshow together, here it is.


  1. Hi Deakyn, it's Ben here from Awahono School. I like how you have put lots of detail on what Jousting and the Knights. I also like how you put how much money they earned and that compared to New Zealand. On the last slide you have put "the old and days" did you mean "the old days"?

    Kind Regards

    1. Thanks for the comment Ben. Yes I did mean to say "the old days" I think I just got confused and we nearly ran out of time.

  2. Hi Deakyn, Blake here from Awahono School. It is almost like a trip back in time! I like how you described all the things that Knights do. Maybe next time you could add more pictures? If you want to check out my learning, copy and paste this link:
    -Blake :D

    1. Hey Blake thanks for the comment. I completely forgot about pictures we ran out of time too.

  3. Hi Deakyn, I'm Solly from Awahono School. I like how you said "Knights got paid about one shilling a day which in NZ money is about 0.014". I didn't know that knights used shields to hit opponents on the head! How long did it take you to post this on your blog?

    1. Thanks for the comment Solly. It took me and Ben only a few hours and posted it the next day.


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