Tuesday 21 April 2020

Anzac Activity

Since this week we are working on Anzac Day and we are doing Anzac activities one of the activities that we could do was write a story about our teddy. If you are wondering what I mean we had to dress up a teddy for a challenge and take a picture of it. So we thought why not write about that teddy. For this activity we had to write an adventure that our teddy has been on. Here is my story about my teddy Hugh.

As Hugh sat in front of my window I wondered what he was thinking and all the adventures he has been on. Maybe he went to war or maybe he was successful at one point in his life. Whatever it is i must’ve been hard. By the way Hugh always looks like he’s in a mood he makes it seem like he had a hard life. As Hugh wondered to himself he remembered the point in his life where he had to go to war. Hugh was one of the best of the best at the time. He was a bomber pilot. Dropping bombs on the enemies towns and villages. As Hugh looked back he could see them winning the war but really they didn’t. Whenever Hugh looks back on the war he thinks he would’ve had the same feelings that he had when they lost the war if they won it. Back in the war Hugh was the lead in the sky with his crew behind him and beside him flying over the opponents lands. But what their army didn’t realise was that their enemies were ready and waiting for the attack. As soon as Hugh’s team flew over the town and villages they got shot down one by one. Hugh wanted to leave but he didn’t. Hugh stayed with his crew in the air and helped the soldiers down on ground to win the war. Until one of the pilots got shot and the plane was descending and fast. It was heading straight for their own soldiers on the ground. Then the plane hit the ground. Leaving a huge explosion and half of the main town destroyed. There was only Hugh and his best mate left in the sky. Helping the reinforcements on the ground. They were trying to call in the backup planes but Hugh or his best friend didn’t have any codes to send back to headquarters to get backup to come. As the enemies soldiers came up in a huge group going to ambush their army Hugh’s best mate said that he is going to take a sacrifice. He suicide bombed the opposing soldiers coming from the capital building. Hugh had to back out. But as Hugh tried to leave he couldn’t not only because he wanted to stay with his team on the ground but because he was getting shot at. He tried his to best to get out of there but just as he was leaving his one of the engines got shot and he wasn’t flying to well and started descending. But very slowly. He was scared of what was to come. Was it fate that his plane was meant to get shot down. Was it karma sending a message. Who knows. But just as he was going down he could see a opening spot to land his plane down. So he prepared to have a rough landing and popped out the wheels and started to fly lower and lower. Then before he knew it he was less than 10 metres away from the ground. Then he landed, a bit of a rough landing but he did it. He got out of the war. Hundreds of miles away from the chaos and death. He thought he was going to die. Just as he landed he got out of his plane. Fell on the ground and just layed there for awhile. As seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours he laid there thinking what could’ve happened if he didn’t leave the war. Thinking of what is happening. He got up and he started walking away. Not remembering that his plane engine was shot. That when he walked about 10 minutes away he heard the explosion of his plane blowing up. Up to this day he never speaks of what happened. 

This is Hugh now.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Hugh has definitely been through a rough time. I think your story really captures what some people really went through in the war Deakyn. This shows me you have been doing a lot of research and are now using that learning in other areas. Well done!
    Mrs C


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